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The ethnic conflict in Manipur has left many families displaced and struggling in relief camps. Situation of women in  particular at these camps is concerning as access to clean and private sanitation facilities is often limited. In the midst of this serious law and order situation in Manipur, we in collaboration with Rotary Club Of Polo City Imphal took on the vital mission of distributing menstrual cups to women living in these relief camps: Chingmeirong Relief Camp, Wangkhei Relief Camp. Akhampat Ideal College Relief Camp, Heiyangthang Displaced Person Relief Camp, Manipur College Relief Camp.


Himachal/Spiti Valley

In the wake of devastating floods that recently hit Himachal Pradesh, we launched a campaign to educate and distribute menstrual cups to local women from 8 villages in Nandpur Panchayat in Tehsil Jubbal, Himachal. We further had a fantastic distribution drive with nuns from 4 Buddhist nunneries in Spiti Valley- Sherpa Cholng Morang Gompa, Yanghen Choling Pangmo Gompa, Tsechen Choeling &  Dichen Choeling. 

This initiative was meant to recognise the importance of giving a more long term sustainable & hygienic menstrual solution under similar situations, where a natural calamity can hinder access to menstrual products.


GB Road

NGO Mogra embarked on a transformative initiative by distributing free menstrual cups in the challenging context of GB Road, the largest red-light district in Delhi. Recognizing the pressing need for sustainable and hygienic menstrual solutions in this marginalized community, we not only addressed the environmental impact of disposable products but also prioritised the health and well-being of women in an often overlooked demographic. This intervention was aimed at breaking taboos surrounding menstruation, fostering a sense of dignity and empowerment among the recipients.


Tamil Nadu

A project named “Freedom Ride”, the essence of which was to cycle solo from Kanyakumari to Chennai, with a hope to highlight women empowerment through free distribution of menstrual cups to underprivileged women in fisherman villages & highway villages of Tamil Nadu.


Tihar Jail

Recognising the unique challenges faced by women within the prison system, Mogra with its free distribution of menstrual cups in Tihar Jail addressed the often-overlooked need for sustainable and hygienic menstrual solutions. This initiative went beyond the confines of traditional aid, promoting a sense of empowerment and self-care among women inmates and women constables alike. Mogra's outreach not only tackled the practical aspects of menstrual hygiene but also aimed at symbolizing a commitment to the holistic well-being and dignity of women in challenging circumstances within Tihar Jail.


Yamuna Flood Relief Camp Delhi

In the aftermath of River Yamuna flooding in Delhi, maintaining proper menstrual hygiene became especially challenging for the women who were compelled to live in make-shift relief camps situated on the roadside & under the flyovers. By distributing free menstrual cups at the Yamuna Flood Relief Camps, Mogra acknowledged the neglected needs of women in crisis situations. Mogra's initiative not only contributed to environmental sustainability by offering a reusable solution but also prioritized the health and well-being of women in the relief camps, which had little to no basic amenities. 


Homeless Gypsies

In the bustling metropolis of Delhi, a distressing reality persists as numerous families find themselves surviving on the streets, seeking refuge beneath flyovers with minimal access to basic amenities. These resilient families endure the harsh conditions of urban life, grappling with the absence of shelter, sanitation and consistent livelihoods. 

Our project involves weekly distribution of menstrual cups and blankets to these vulnerable individuals, aiming to provide both comfort and dignity. by addressing the often overlooked challenges faced by homeless women, we strive to make a tangible impact on their well being.

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